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駐台北印尼經濟貿易 代表處英文賀詞



Dear Readers of Sino-Indonesia Cultural and Economic Association,

First of all, as posting the new head of Indonesian Economic and Trade Office to Taipei since the end of June 2008, I would like to approve Sino-Indonesian Cultural and Economic Association’s contribution upon perpetually being a successful medium and messenger for assisting, transferring and coordinating the logistics upon Indonesia and Taiwan’spartnership since 1971. I have a very high regard for your press, and expect Sino-Indonesia Cultural and Economic Association’s support further promoted the cooperation between two countries, remain its various services to enterprisers, and Indonesian students studying in Taiwan, and completion of mutual benefits since then.

I want to take this opportunity to thank for the Sino-Indonesia Cultural and Economic Association’s support to hold “The 15th Joint Economic Cooperation between Indonesia and Taiwan” on July 29 - 30, 2008. TheIndonesian businessman who have came attended the “The 15th Joint Economic Cooperation between donesia and Taiwan” have good responses about Taiwan and hope can make cooperation in various field such as agriculture, marine and fishery also in technology.

I also have been being impressed for the support of Sino-Indonesian Cultural and Economic Association on the occasion “Thousands of Islands Flavor 2008 Indonesian Folk Painters Exhibition” on August 16 - 24, 2008 at Sun Yat Sen Memorial Hall. This exhibition is organized by Sun Yat Sen Memorial Hall in cooperation with Indonesian Economic and Trade Office to Taipei and co-organized by Overseas Chinese Association, Sino-Indonesia Cultural and Economic Association and Indonesian Overseas Chinese Association.

Within the past ten years, Taiwanese enterprises investing in Indonesia disclose a flourishing amount, until the end of December in 2007 the gross reached at USD13.5 billions. The gross of Industry reached USD8.69 billions, including a remarkable export quota from Indonesia to Taiwan has a large share in USD5.82 billions which took a balance of trade surplus up to USD2.87 billions. On the current list of foreign capitals investing in Indonesia, Taiwan was placed as the seventh.Under Indonesian government whose has initiated policy changes such as Law of Investment of the Republic of Indonesia this new act has carried out permissibly since this year regarding to attract more foreign capitals investing Indonesia.

Besides a commercial cooperation, Indonesia also provides a profuse labor service market, there are 122,000 foreign workers working in Taiwan whose first-rate foreign workers population. IETO especially aligns with Chung-Hwa Telecom and organizes SMS for SOS to handle and concern exploiting Indonesian workers.

Upon tourism field, we also have a blossom on its promotion and development, more and more information given through the press and website, and various of activities has been held such as theatre performance Ila Galigo and Painting Exhibition. We hope through this occasion more and more Taiwanese will come to Indonesia to observe
our beauty country.

At last, I would like to express a sincere appreciation of Sino-Indonesia and Economic Association upon bringing a better communication and interactive between people of Taiwan and Indonesia. May all rospective success ahead of us, and produce a tightened and most beneficial aspect.

Sincerely yours,
Indonesian Economic and Trade Office to Taipei





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